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Siyum of Mishna for

יהודה אריה ליב ben ישראל דוב Singer

To be completed by April 30th, 2020 by sundown


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Berachos (9 chapters) Avromie Dahan private private
Peah (8 chapters) Yaakov Meir Marchuck private private
Demai (7 chapters) Sonny Moskowitz private private
Kilaim (9 chapters) Yaakov Drebin private private
Sheviis (10 chapters) Tzvi Fine private private
Terumos (11 chapters) Chesky Sauer private private
Maasros (5 chapters) Tzvi Fine private private
Maaser Sheini (5 chapters) Yechiel Weinstock private private
Challah (4 chapters) yaakov Marchuck private private
Orlah (3 chapters) Tzvi Fine private private
Bikkurim (4 chapters) yaakov Marchuck private private
Shabbos (1-8) (8 chapters) Yehuda Lindow private private
Shabbos (9-16) (8 chapters) Yehuda Lindow private private
Shabbos (17-24) (8 chapters) Yehuda Lindow private private
Eruvin (10 chapters) Yehuda Fine private private
Pesachim (10 chapters) yudi zimberg private private completed
Shekalim (8 chapters) Sammy Anzaroot private private
Rosh Hashanah (4 chapters) Reuven Snider private private
Yoma (8 chapters) Reuven Snider private private
Sukkah (5 chapters) Elchonon Klein private private
Beitzah (5 chapters) Shimshon Brecher private private
Taanis (4 chapters) Zalman Brown private private
Megillah (4 chapters) tzvi berger private private
Moed Katan (3 chapters) Shlomo Friedman private private
Chagigah (3 chapters) Yehuda Lindow private private
Yevamos (16 chapters) Moishe Frankel private private
Kesuvos (13 chapters) Mordy Klein private private
Nedarim (11 chapters) Maier Greenspoon private private
Nazir (9 chapters) Yehuda Fine private private
Sotah (9 chapters) Yaakov Meir Marchuck private private
Gittin (9 chapters) Moishe Frankel private private
Kiddushin (4 chapters) Dovid Lieber private private
Bava Kamma (10 chapters) betzlel schlosser private private
Bava Metzia (10 chapters) Reuben Stein private private completed
Bava Basra (10 chapters) irving Cabbaso private private
Sanhedrin (11 chapters) Yaakov Schuldenfrei private private
Makkos (3 chapters) abba Shain private private
Shevuos (8 chapters) Reuben Stein private private completed
Edyos (8 chapters) Reuben Stein private private completed
Avodah Zarah (5 chapters) Reuben Stein private private completed
Avot (6 chapters) Chaim Marcus private private completed
Horayos (3 chapters) Shimshon Brecher private private
Zevachim (14 chapters) Meir Shulman private private completed
Menachos (13 chapters) yedidya Dahan private private
Chullin (12 chapters) Chanoch Kunin private private completed
Bechoros (9 chapters) available private private
Arakhin (9 chapters) available private private
Temurah (7 chapters) Avraham Yehoshua Muller private private
Kerisos (6 chapters) yaakov Landman private private
Meilah (6 chapters) daniel Rosansky private private
Tamid (7 chapters) available private private
Middos (5 chapters) daniel Rosansky private private
Kinnim (3 chapters) Moshe Krull private private
Keilim (1-10) (10 chapters) available private private
Keilim (11-20) (10 chapters) available private private
Keilim (21-30) (10 chapters) available private private
Ohalos (1-9) (9 chapters) available private private
Ohalos (10-18) (9 chapters) available private private
Negaim (14 chapters) available private private
Parah (12 chapters) available private private
Taharos (10 chapters) available private private
Mikvaos (10 chapters) Chanoch Kunin private private completed
Niddah (10 chapters) available private private
Machshirin (6 chapters) available private private
Zavim (5 chapters) Reuben Stein private private completed
Tevul Yom (4 chapters) Mendy Fern private private
Yadayim (4 chapters) available private private
Uktzin (3 chapters) available private private