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Siyum of Mishna for

יצחק משה ben יעקב צבי Rosenbaum

To be completed by May 12th, 2020 by sundown


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Berachos (9 chapters) dovid weiss private private completed
Peah (8 chapters) Avraham Yitzchok Levene private private completed
Demai (7 chapters) Moti Schiff private private
Kilaim (9 chapters) Yair R. private private
Sheviis (10 chapters) Yaakov Schwartzman private private
Terumos (11 chapters) Binyomin Webster private private completed
Maasros (5 chapters) Yehoshua Rosenbaum private private
Maaser Sheini (5 chapters) Yehoshua Rosenbaum private private
Challah (4 chapters) available private private
Orlah (3 chapters) available private private
Bikkurim (4 chapters) Itay de-Roos private private
Shabbos (1-8) (8 chapters) Dov Ehrman private private
Shabbos (9-16) (8 chapters) Dov Ehrman private private
Shabbos (17-24) (8 chapters) Dov Ehrman private private
Eruvin (10 chapters) Eli Ehrman private private
Pesachim (10 chapters) Aron Erreich/Yerachmiel Erreich private private completed
Shekalim (8 chapters) Sefi Sternthal private private completed
Rosh Hashanah (4 chapters) Michael Lieber private private completed
Yoma (8 chapters) Sefi Sternthal private private completed
Sukkah (5 chapters) Motti Erreich private private
Beitzah (5 chapters) Pinny Weisberg private private completed
Taanis (4 chapters) Sheya Greenberg private private completed
Megillah (4 chapters) Chesky Webster private private completed
Moed Katan (3 chapters) Dovid Zelinger private private completed
Chagigah (3 chapters) Jonathan Levene private private completed
Yevamos (16 chapters) mendel goldberg private private completed
Kesuvos (13 chapters) Eli Skaist private private
Nedarim (11 chapters) Binyomin Webster private private completed
Nazir (9 chapters) Eli Skaist private private completed
Sotah (9 chapters) דוד מאלר private private
Gittin (9 chapters) Safi S. private private
Kiddushin (4 chapters) Micky Wulkan private private
Bava Kamma (10 chapters) Refael Dov Webster private private completed
Bava Metzia (10 chapters) Yossi Baruch private private completed
Bava Basra (10 chapters) Elly Rosenbaum private private completed
Sanhedrin (11 chapters) Yehoshua Rosenbaum private private completed
Makkos (3 chapters) srully scharf private private completed
Shevuos (8 chapters) Yehuda Sternthal private private
Edyos (8 chapters) Meir simcha Kahn private private
Avodah Zarah (5 chapters) Binyomin Webster private private completed
Avot (6 chapters) Shlomo Nakdimen private private
Horayos (3 chapters) Meir simcha Kahn private private
Zevachim (14 chapters) Chaim Rosenbaum private private completed
Menachos (13 chapters) Chaim Rosenbaum private private
Chullin (12 chapters) Yehoshua Rosenbaum private private completed
Bechoros (9 chapters) Yehuda Sternthal private private
Arakhin (9 chapters) Arial L. private private
Temurah (7 chapters) Moshe T Weiss private private completed
Kerisos (6 chapters) Yair Stern private private
Meilah (6 chapters) Yanky Kohn private private
Tamid (7 chapters) Zev Sternthal private private
Middos (5 chapters) Yehoshua Rosenbaum private private completed
Kinnim (3 chapters) Itay de-Roos private private
Keilim (1-10) (10 chapters) Moshe Wasserman private private completed
Keilim (11-20) (10 chapters) Moshe Wasserman private private completed
Keilim (21-30) (10 chapters) Moshe Wasserman private private completed
Ohalos (1-9) (9 chapters) Yehoshua Rosenbaum private private completed
Ohalos (10-18) (9 chapters) Elly Rosenbaum private private completed
Negaim (14 chapters) Yehoshua Rosenbaum private private completed
Parah (12 chapters) Yehoshua Rosenbaum private private
Taharos (10 chapters) Daniel Wasserman private private completed
Mikvaos (10 chapters) Daniel Wasserman private private completed
Niddah (10 chapters) Daniel Wasserman private private completed
Machshirin (6 chapters) Yehoshua Rosenbaum private private completed
Zavim (5 chapters) Yehuda Miller private private completed
Tevul Yom (4 chapters) Yaakov Schwartzman private private
Yadayim (4 chapters) Aryeh Wasserman private private
Uktzin (3 chapters) Aryeh Wasserman private private