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Siyum of Mishna for

Leah bas Noah Stelzer/Barr

To be completed by November 9th, 2020 by sundown


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Berachos (9 chapters) Zaki Moskovitz private private completed
Peah (8 chapters) sammy weingarten private private completed
Demai (7 chapters) Eliyahu Teitz private private completed
Kilaim (9 chapters) Shea Frankel private private completed
Sheviis (10 chapters) Gerald Barr private private completed
Terumos (11 chapters) E Stelzer private private completed
Maasros (5 chapters) Dror Futter private private
Maaser Sheini (5 chapters) Warren Slaten private private completed
Challah (4 chapters) Alisha and Jack Abboudi private private completed
Orlah (3 chapters) Gerald Barr private private completed
Bikkurim (4 chapters) Israel Eckman private private completed
Shabbos (1-8) (8 chapters) Avrumi Reches private private
Shabbos (9-16) (8 chapters) Avrumi Reches private private
Shabbos (17-24) (8 chapters) Avrumi Reches private private
Eruvin (10 chapters) Ori Strum private private
Pesachim (10 chapters) Yossi Lurman private private completed
Shekalim (8 chapters) Yehuda Minchenberg private private completed
Rosh Hashanah (4 chapters) Avrami Rakovsky private private completed
Yoma (8 chapters) Avrami Rakovsky private private completed
Sukkah (5 chapters) Reuven Rakovsky private private completed
Beitzah (5 chapters) Zaki Moskovitz private private completed
Taanis (4 chapters) Avrumi Reches private private
Megillah (4 chapters) Reuven Rakovsky private private completed
Moed Katan (3 chapters) Bobby Tawil private private completed
Chagigah (3 chapters) Avrohom Teitelbaum private private completed
Yevamos (16 chapters) Shea Frankel private private completed
Kesuvos (13 chapters) Shea Frankel private private completed
Nedarim (11 chapters) Shea Frankel private private completed
Nazir (9 chapters) Shea Frankel private private completed
Sotah (9 chapters) Shea Frankel private private completed
Gittin (9 chapters) Shea Frankel private private completed
Kiddushin (4 chapters) Shea Frankel private private completed
Bava Kamma (10 chapters) Hillel Zakai private private completed
Bava Metzia (10 chapters) Hillel Zakai private private completed
Bava Basra (10 chapters) Seth Dombeck private private completed
Sanhedrin (11 chapters) Louis Barr private private
Makkos (3 chapters) Zaki Moskovitz private private completed
Shevuos (8 chapters) Ronn Yaish private private completed
Edyos (8 chapters) Nachum Barishansky private private
Avodah Zarah (5 chapters) Ezra Friedberg private private
Avot (6 chapters) Dovid Nevo private private completed
Horayos (3 chapters) Yehuda Teitelman private private
Zevachim (14 chapters) EM T private private completed
Menachos (13 chapters) Dovid Zlotnick private private
Chullin (12 chapters) Daniel Altman private private
Bechoros (9 chapters) Stuart Boyarsky private private
Arakhin (9 chapters) Dani Gross private private
Temurah (7 chapters) EM T private private completed
Kerisos (6 chapters) EM T private private completed
Meilah (6 chapters) EM T private private completed
Tamid (7 chapters) Mo Fuchs private private completed
Middos (5 chapters) Yitz Inker private private completed
Kinnim (3 chapters) EM T private private completed
Keilim (1-10) (10 chapters) Zvi Naierman private private
Keilim (11-20) (10 chapters) Zvi Naierman private private
Keilim (21-30) (10 chapters) Zvi Naierman private private
Ohalos (1-9) (9 chapters) Aaron Rothstein private private completed
Ohalos (10-18) (9 chapters) Avrumi Frischman private private
Negaim (14 chapters) Bentzi Spitz private private completed
Parah (12 chapters) Bentzi Spitz private private completed
Taharos (10 chapters) Bentzi Spitz private private completed
Mikvaos (10 chapters) Bentzi Spitz private private completed
Niddah (10 chapters) Zvi Naierman private private
Machshirin (6 chapters) Paul Barr private private
Zavim (5 chapters) Paul Barr private private
Tevul Yom (4 chapters) jacob schlanger private private completed
Yadayim (4 chapters) Paul Barr private private
Uktzin (3 chapters) Howard Teitelman private private completed