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Siyum of Mishna for

שלום ברוך יהודא ע"ה בן יוסף יחיאל מיכל ben לעבאוויטש

To be completed by February 22nd, 2022 by sundown

Finish by Shloshim. Siyum to coincide with siyum on מסכת חגיגה


  name email phone status
Berachos (9 chapters) Simcha Klagsbrun private private
Peah (8 chapters) Yehudah Schwartz private private completed
Demai (7 chapters) Avrumy Lebovitz private private
Kilaim (9 chapters) available private private
Sheviis (10 chapters) available private private
Terumos (11 chapters) available private private
Maasros (5 chapters) available private private
Maaser Sheini (5 chapters) Meir Fischer private private
Challah (4 chapters) אלימלך לאנדא private private
Orlah (3 chapters) available private private
Bikkurim (4 chapters) available private private
Shabbos (1-8) (8 chapters) Ari Blum private private
Shabbos (9-16) (8 chapters) available private private
Shabbos (17-24) (8 chapters) available private private
Eruvin (10 chapters) available private private
Pesachim (10 chapters) Abraham Stern private private
Shekalim (8 chapters) available private private
Rosh Hashanah (4 chapters) Yoel Bergman private private
Yoma (8 chapters) available private private
Sukkah (5 chapters) Yoel Simonowits private private completed
Beitzah (5 chapters) Shimi Goldszmid private private
Taanis (4 chapters) Yoel Bergman private private
Megillah (4 chapters) Yoel Bergman private private
Moed Katan (3 chapters) Yoel Simonowits private private
Chagigah (3 chapters) Shimi Goldszmid private private
Yevamos (16 chapters) available private private
Kesuvos (13 chapters) available private private
Nedarim (11 chapters) available private private
Nazir (9 chapters) available private private
Sotah (9 chapters) available private private
Gittin (9 chapters) available private private
Kiddushin (4 chapters) Yaakov S Gluck private private
Bava Kamma (10 chapters) Meir Fischer private private
Bava Metzia (10 chapters) Meir Fischer private private
Bava Basra (10 chapters) Meir Fischer private private
Sanhedrin (11 chapters) available private private
Makkos (3 chapters) Judah Hulkower private private
Shevuos (8 chapters) available private private
Edyos (8 chapters) available private private
Avodah Zarah (5 chapters) Meir Fischer private private
Avot (6 chapters) available private private
Horayos (3 chapters) Duvid Reich private private
Zevachim (14 chapters) available private private
Menachos (13 chapters) available private private
Chullin (12 chapters) available private private
Bechoros (9 chapters) available private private
Arakhin (9 chapters) available private private
Temurah (7 chapters) available private private
Kerisos (6 chapters) available private private
Meilah (6 chapters) available private private
Tamid (7 chapters) Meir Fischer private private
Middos (5 chapters) available private private
Kinnim (3 chapters) available private private
Keilim (1-10) (10 chapters) Koby Mozes private private
Keilim (11-20) (10 chapters) available private private
Keilim (21-30) (10 chapters) available private private
Ohalos (1-9) (9 chapters) available private private
Ohalos (10-18) (9 chapters) available private private
Negaim (14 chapters) available private private
Parah (12 chapters) available private private
Taharos (10 chapters) available private private
Mikvaos (10 chapters) available private private
Niddah (10 chapters) available private private
Machshirin (6 chapters) available private private
Zavim (5 chapters) available private private
Tevul Yom (4 chapters) available private private
Yadayim (4 chapters) available private private
Uktzin (3 chapters) Philip Birn private private