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Siyum of Mishna for

יששכר דניאל בן מרדכי ע"ה ben Braham

To be completed by April 15th, 2022 by sundown

Since it's Erev Pesach the Shloshim gets cut off at Chatzos


  name email phone status
Berachos (9 chapters) Robert Links private private
Peah (8 chapters) Evan and Yirmi Schendler private private
Demai (7 chapters) David Gladstone private private
Kilaim (9 chapters) Howard Hahn private private completed
Sheviis (10 chapters) Yehoshua Lipinsky private private
Terumos (11 chapters) Yisroel Meir Cope private private
Maasros (5 chapters) Joel Cope private private
Maaser Sheini (5 chapters) Benjie Fine private private
Challah (4 chapters) David Haffner private private
Orlah (3 chapters) Yisrael Chaim Marks private private
Bikkurim (4 chapters) Binyomin Cope private private
Shabbos (1-8) (8 chapters) Joel Mizrahi private private
Shabbos (9-16) (8 chapters) Joel Braham private private completed
Shabbos (17-24) (8 chapters) Joel Braham private private completed
Eruvin (10 chapters) Yisroel Rose private private
Pesachim (10 chapters) Gil Razak private private
Shekalim (8 chapters) Eli Sebbag private private
Rosh Hashanah (4 chapters) Akiva Ziegler private private completed
Yoma (8 chapters) Dovid Steinherz private private
Sukkah (5 chapters) Ari Blum private private
Beitzah (5 chapters) Zevi Brodie private private
Taanis (4 chapters) Dani Greenfeld private private completed
Megillah (4 chapters) Yitzy Grossberg private private completed
Moed Katan (3 chapters) Yosef Ben-Zev private private completed
Chagigah (3 chapters) yosef Richards private private
Yevamos (16 chapters) Loz Jacobson private private completed
Kesuvos (13 chapters) שערמאן ע''י ח.ל.מ. לייקוווד נ.דזש. private private completed
Nedarim (11 chapters) Shulem Porush private private completed
Nazir (9 chapters) Mordechai Braham private private
Sotah (9 chapters) Yosef Miller private private
Gittin (9 chapters) שערמאן ע''י ח.ל.מ. לייקוווד נ.דזש. private private completed
Kiddushin (4 chapters) שערמאן ע''י ח.ל.מ. לייקוווד נ.דזש. private private completed
Bava Kamma (10 chapters) Shloimie Porush private private completed
Bava Metzia (10 chapters) Yehuda David private private completed
Bava Basra (10 chapters) Shua Cope private private
Sanhedrin (11 chapters) Simcho Stanton private private
Makkos (3 chapters) Gary Brown private private completed
Shevuos (8 chapters) Kalil Shmuel (Kyle) Zaldin private private
Edyos (8 chapters) Kalil Shmuel (Kyle) Zaldin private private
Avodah Zarah (5 chapters) Kalil Shmuel (Kyle) Zaldin private private
Avot (6 chapters) Kalil Shmuel (Kyle) Zaldin private private
Horayos (3 chapters) ISRAEL SHALITZKY private private
Zevachim (14 chapters) Rabbi Alan Kimche private private
Menachos (13 chapters) Josh Braham private private
Chullin (12 chapters) Meir Wechsler private private
Bechoros (9 chapters) Jonny Links private private
Arakhin (9 chapters) Rafi Jager private private
Temurah (7 chapters) Yidel fried private private
Kerisos (6 chapters) Shabsie Moskovitz private private
Meilah (6 chapters) Harry Shalom private private completed
Tamid (7 chapters) Harry Shalom private private completed
Middos (5 chapters) Harry Shalom private private
Kinnim (3 chapters) Harry Shalom private private
Keilim (1-10) (10 chapters) Yehoshua Lipinsky private private
Keilim (11-20) (10 chapters) Gavriel Marks private private
Keilim (21-30) (10 chapters) Gavriel Marks private private
Ohalos (1-9) (9 chapters) Jonny Links private private
Ohalos (10-18) (9 chapters) Jonny Links private private
Negaim (14 chapters) Gavriel Marks private private
Parah (12 chapters) Baruch Wechsler private private
Taharos (10 chapters) Marco Pariente-Cohen private private
Mikvaos (10 chapters) Bentzion Wechsler private private completed
Niddah (10 chapters) Samuel Braham private private completed
Machshirin (6 chapters) Shalom Wechsler private private
Zavim (5 chapters) Mordechai Friedman private private
Tevul Yom (4 chapters) Rav Ball private private
Yadayim (4 chapters) Zalman Cope private private completed
Uktzin (3 chapters) menachem Mendel Levine private private